Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 6:30 p.m.
District Business Office
13277 South Ash Street, Claremore, OK
(Posted @ the district’s business office on or before 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 10, 2025.)
CALL TO ORDER by the Chairman
- Roll Call
- Present
- Absent with cause shown
- Determination of a Quorum
- Proof of Notice of Meeting
Introduction / recognition of guests
- District Manager’s Report
- Recap
- Report of District Engineer
- Discussion, consideration, and possible action to approve Changer Order No. 1 to Ira M. Green Construction, Inc., in the amount of $80,375.00, for additional items of work on the 2024 Tacora Water Line Project.
- Discussion, consideration, and possible action to grant preliminary approval to CABO Development Company, LLC for a development, The Coves III, of 29 lots in the NE/4 of Section 2, T-20-N, R-14-E of the I.B.&M., Rogers County subject to the Engineer’s approval and standard District requirements.
- Discussion, consideration, and possible action to approve a Development Agreement with Zach Smith Contracting, LLC, for the development of Smokey Ridge II, 10 tracts located the SW/4 of Section 12, T-22-N, R-16-E of the I.B.&M., Rogers County, Oklahoma, generally located at the intersection E. 370 Rd. and S. 4180 Rd.
- Discussion, consideration, and possible action to approve the purchase of ten (10) tablets for the purpose of presenting monthly board documents electronically to each board member with one serving as a backup.
- Minutes of February 11, 2025, Regular Board Meeting
- Accounts Payable (February expenses)
- Treasurer’s Report for the month of February
- New Taps
9862 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 7 B 2 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9863 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 8 B 2 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9864 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 9 B 2 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9865 Ron E & DeAnn Staggs (part of SE/4 of 32-21-14)
9866 Hensley Custom Homes (L 12 B 4 Deer Run IV) 06-20-15
9867 Douglas W & Lynn Worley (L 3 B 15 Trails Trails End Estate) 32-22-15
9868 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 21 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9869 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 22 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9870 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 23 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9871 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 24 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9872 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 4 B 5 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9873 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 17 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9874 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 18 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9875 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 19 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9876 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 20 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9877 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 21 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9878 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 22 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9879 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 16 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9880 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 15 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9881 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 14 B 1 Hawk’s Landing) 34-21-14
9882 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 19 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9883 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 17 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9884 DR Horton Texas LTD (L 16 B 1 Stone Creek of Owasso) 34-21-14
9885 Debra and/or LaRinda Wright (E/2 NE/4 NW/4 NE/4 of 12-23-17)
9886 Sixthday Properties (L 2 B 7 The Coves I) 02-20-14
9887 Sixthday Properties (L 2 B 6 The Coves I) 02-20-14
9888 Sixthday Properties (L 16 B 6 Highland Meadows) 01-20-14
9890 Epic Custom Homes (L 6 B 9 The Coves I) 01-20-14
- Transfers
331 Harold Moore from Harold & Sally Moore
2394 Joel Walker Jr from Don & Leveda Charles
5010 Jesse Letbetter from Stephen Schell
5282 Pamela Lynn, Donald Gene, Elizabeth Rose & Donald Gene Thomas II from Mason & Emily Haidle
5309 Tammy Lowman Scott from Nina Daniels
6621 Bradley B & Cathy Ann Percefull from David Huddleston
7766 Donald Edward & Lindsey Ruth Stelling Jr from Chris & Heidi Diesel
8174 Sesar Arturo Ixta from Sophie & Kyle Gibson
8855 Spencer & Jasmine Troutt Bryant from The Skylar Elliott Miller Living Trust
8859 Jjoshua & Jade Royka & Mitra Harnsberger from Stephen & Cassandra House
9203 William J & Bridgett J Sagris from Broy & Whitney McKay
9269 Clara & Ryan Balfantz from Marcio & Sara Medeiros
9445 Tipton & Kelly Evans & Faith & Logan Scoles from The Ranch @ Caney River
9474 Christopher S & Kathryn Susan Floyd from Paul & Constance Staudt
9566 Hailey M Seth Bergman from Firstar Bank
9760 William Alexander & Morgan Reedy from DR Horton Texas LTD
9764 Jeffrey & Karen Lyons from DR Horton Texas LTD
9774 Austin & Heather Curlee from DR Horton
9778 Zien Ray Condor from DR Horton Texas LTD
- Discussion, consideration, and possible action with respect to any other matter(s) unforeseen prior to the posting of this agenda.
Dr. Dirk Thomas, Chairman