Your Rural Water Dist. 3 Rogers County staff is always here to help you. Whether you need assistance with a bill or a question about your usage, we are here to serve you. Stop by and see us during our office hours!
We want to WELCOME our new, 2024, District Manager!
District Manager - Kelly King
Who We Are - Office Personnel
Donna - Extension 104
Donna joined RWD #3 in December 1993. Donna sells taps, processes transfers, processes work orders and serves in many other office duties.
Esther - Extension 105
Esther joined RWD #3 in March 1998. Esther sells taps, processes transfers, handles developments and extensions and serves in many other office duties.
Bobbie - Extension 100
Bobbie joined RWD #3 in February 2009. She is the Web Administrator. She oversees the website maintenance, all online transactions, ACH payments, maintains all online customer service, responds to all customer service emails, Facebook maintenance, prepares equipment for reading, runs the billing software, maintains both alert systems, maintains MVRS, FCS, FDM, EOW, Beacon, and ReGroup software systems.
Sandi - Extension 101
Sandi joined RWD #3 in August 2021. Sandi receives payments, sells taps, processes transfers, submits locates, calculates all final bills, and serves in many other office duties.
Sheri joined RWD #3 in October 2021. Sheri is the District bookkeeper. She handles all the insurance and financial duties of the District.
Sharon - Extension 102
Sharon joined RWD #3 in February 2022. Sharon is our accounts payable. She also receives payments, sells taps, processes transfers, and serves in many other office duties.
Breanna aka Bre - Extension 103
Bre joined RWD #3 in February of 2024. She is our friendly receptionist. She also receives payments, sells taps, processes transfers, and serves in many other office duties.
Who We Are - Field Personnel
Steve Newcomb
Steve Newcomb is our Plant/Field Supervisor. He had 5 years of previous employment with RWD #3 and returned in January of 2006. He has worked his way to this position from a field worker to our first water treatment plant superintendent and now supervises both the plant and field workers for the District. He came to the District with a Bachelors's degree in Engineering Technology from Oklahoma State University and over 20 years of experience in the Nuclear Power industry.
Derrick joined RWD #3 in May 2000 as a plant supervisor.
Roger joined RWD #3 in March 2004 as a field/plant operator.
James joined RWD #3 in March 2010 as a field/plant operator.
Bailey joined RWD #3 in April 2016 as a field/plant operator.
Matt joined RWD #3 in April 2017 as a field supervisor.
Lark joined RWD #3 in January 2024 as our equipment operator.
Jake joined RWD #3 in January 2024 as a field/plant operator.
Landon joined RWD #3 in June 2024 as our equipment operator.
Jaxon joined RWD #3 in June 2024 as a part-time field employee.
Hunter joined RWD #3 in October 2024 as a field operator.
Eric joined RWD #3 in December 2024 as a field operator.
Business Personnel
Donna | Sells taps, processes transfers & processes work orders | 918-342-4041 |
Esther | Sells taps, processes transfers & Developments/Extensions | 918-341-6779 |
Bobbie | Web Administrator: Website maintenance, all online transactions, ACH payments, all online customer service, Facebook maintenance, prepares equipment for reading, runs the billing software, maintains MVRS, FCS, FDM, EOW, Beacon, and ReGroup ssystems. | 918-410-0245 |
Sandi | Accepts payments, sells taps, processes transfers, opens and sorts mail, conducts locates, calculates all final bills, and serves in many other office duties. | 918-517-6347 |
Sheri | District Bookkeeper, Payroll Clerk | 918-341-0851 |
Sharon | Accounts Payable, receives payments, opens and sorts mail, sells taps, processes transfers, and serves in many other office duties. | 918-380-8113 |
Breanna aka Bre | Receptionist: Sells taps, processes transfers, opens and sorts mail, and serves in many other office duties. | 918-341-0851 |
Operations Personnel
District Manager | Kelly King | 918-341-0851 |
Plant/Field Supervisor | Steve Newcomb | |
Plant supervisor | Derrick | |
Field supervisor / Equipment operator | Matt | |
Field / plant operator | Roger | |
Field / plant operator | James | |
Field / plant operator | Bailey | |
Equipment operator | Lark | |
Inspector, and field operator | Jake | |
Equipment operator | Landon | |
Field operator | Hunter | |
Field Operator | Eric | |
Part-time | Jaxon |